Wednesday, October 29, 2008


I subbed for a half day today for a first grade teacher. It went okay. The sub plans were relatively clear but I have to admit that I was nervous to be subbing for this particular person. She's definitely demanding and stresses out a lot about small things and there was one thing in her plans that wasn't clear and I did NOT want to mess it up because I didn't want her mad at me from now on just because center time didn't go the way she wanted it to. I figured it out though by calling her and I was afraid that the whole time I was talking to her and asking about it, I was fearing she was thinking I couldn't do a simple assignment. We'll see...Karen will tell me if she thought I did a good job or not.

I'm not so sure I'll be getting a sub call tomorrow because Meridian schools only have tomorrow left in the school week because Friday is an in-service day. Boise schools have early-release on Friday so it's probably a pretty good chance that nobody will call me unless it's an emergency.

*sigh* I'm bored now. I think I might go to bed pretty soon. Talk to ya later.

ps. hope you like my new look for the blog. I was getting tired of the same ol', same ol'. I searched all over the internet for new blog templates that looked cool. It took me forever!

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