I'm back! The trip was a lot of fun! The plane ride back was okay. The ride from ATL to Denver was pretty full but luckily, my set of seats only had me and this other heavy set guy. He sat on the outside and I sat next to the window and it gave us both plenty of space. We were both hoping that another person wouldn't run on at the last minute and squeeze into the middle seat. The flight from Denver to Boise was a different story though. I still got 2 seats to myself but the plane was really cramped and I'm really glad I got the other seat to myself. It was a propeller plane and it scared me to death! I sat at the window right next to the propeller and so I finally had to just close my window shades so I wouldn't keep looking at the propeller expecting it to just quit at anytime. It was a rough take off because of the plane being so much lighter than a normal plane. The wind just kept knocking it around and we would go up and down for a long time and then we finally got settled at a comfortable cruising altitude. I still really couldn't look out the window as much as I usually do in a normal sized plane. It was extremely clear outside so I could see the mountains VERY clearly! The landing was rough too same as the takeoff. As soon as we landed, it was kinda hot and stuffy on the plane and of course, this girlfriend and boyfriend across the aisle from me opened up CHINESE FOOD! The smell was nauseating! I was already feeling so shaken up from the landing and then to see people stuffing their faces with chinese food and the smell combination all but made me puke. We finally got to get off the plane and I was fine then. :)
It was nice seeing everybody this weekend! I had a great time visiting with everyone.
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