Friday, October 24, 2008


I am so tired! I feel like these classes are never gonna end but I know they will. There's only one more meeting of each class that I'm taking this semester. I'll be done with both of them by Dec. 5th and 6th. That'll be great!

I subbed today and it was very uneventful, which I guess you could say was good, right? It was good...just a little on the boring side at first. On the bright side, however, I did start reading a book from the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer. If you like stories about vampires, it's right up your alley. I like stories about, it's right up my alley. It's not scary and creepy like the Anne Rice books. It's a series about this girl who falls in love with a vampire and how she's constantly wanting to become one so that she never has to grow older and she can be with him forever. I started reading the second book, New Moon, because the teacher didn't have the first one on her bookshelf so that was my only choice. I had so much extra time throughout the day today that I was able to get to chapter 4! I don't read a lot normally because it's just not fun for me unless the book is actually REALLY entertaining for me and keeps me interested. This one did. The author has a way of keeping you locked in to find out what happens next. Anyway, this series has been raved about all over the place, especially here that I've noticed. I think one reason that I've been hearing about it so much over here is because the author is a graduate of Brigham Young University and I believe she's Mormon so that, of course, gets major press over here in the west. My friend, Maren, who is a Mormon has read all of the books. So, I'm just guessing that this series is favored among most Mormon youth and young adults. But it's not only for Mormons though. It just happens to be written by one so it seems that way. From what I've seen so far, I haven't picked up any LDS vibes from it--religious-wise. It's just your typical fantasy book, I guess. :)

I started getting homesick a little bit tonight at class because we started reading an article that involved letters being written between a mom and a daughter and then another letter being written between a daughter and a dad. The content of the letters had nothing to do with me but as I was reading them, I just got a slight tinge of homesickness and started thinking about our upcoming trip(s) to GA. I can't wait to be back home, even if it is only for a little, short visit. I miss the smells of home and my (parents) house. It's so comforting. It's funny how we equate smells with home and with other places. Anyway, I can't wait to be home! Have I mentioned that yet? :)

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