Saturday, June 30, 2007

Tubing down the Boise River

We went tubing today down the Boise river and it was SO much fun! I wish we could've taken pictures but we don't have a water-proof camera. We were each in our own tube. It kept us moving pretty quickly for the most part and we hit some rapids along the way that bounced us and splashed water all over us, which was so cool! It reminded me of the Thunder River ride at Six Flags. The water was FREEZING though. Our feet, hands and bottoms were so numb by the end of the floating ride due to the cold temperature of the water. It was worth it. We've decided that we'll probably buy a raft because rentals are a little expensive if we were to make this a habit over the summer. If we bought our own raft, we could just pay $2 for the shuttle to get us back to our car. Anyway, it was a very good afternoon activity and hopefully we do it more often this summer. Maybe next time, we'll buy a disposable water-proof camera and take pictures of the river and the rapids that we go over.

No word yet as to the status of Kyle's job. He emailed his supervisor and the guy said that he hasn't heard yet if his group will be affected or not. That's probably a good sign. I would hope that they would've already communicated with groups that were going to be affected possibly. The supervisor said that he would call Kyle if he heard anything new. For now, I'm keeping my fingers crossed and hoping/prayin' real hard.

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