Friday, September 19, 2008

Sorry for not updating these past few days

I've been kind of busy sorta. After that bad day, I didn't go into any jobs the next day and instead just worked on classwork. Oh by the way, I have my huge rough draft due this next Saturday! No worries though because I've got a plan and it's low stress (or so I hope). There's been this huge scandal with the professor in that he changed the due dates of everything and made things due sooner (i.e. 12 page rough draft) and people are in a frenzy over that. When people get in a frenzy, rumors start flyin'. Anyway, we've got it all settled out and as far as I know, I'll be fine--as for the others, who knows? It's a good thing that I already had a pretty solid topic and most people didn't and that's why they're freaking out so much. They all had such vague topics because they really hadn't spent time thinking about it and trying to narrow it down. I think I impressed the professor at the first session when I showed him my outline.

I subbed today at Boise High. It was great. I had a really good day with the kids because they were all very courteous and polite to me. Get this: they treated me like an adult human being! What a concept, right? One thing I did notice though was that either dress code is very relaxed around here or people just don't seem to follow it. This girl couldn't have been wearing more than a foot of material to cover up her butt and her you know what. She couldn't even sit normally. hahaha. Back in Starr's Mill days, if we wore something that short, we'd have to either go home or have a parent bring us something else. Maybe none of her teachers say anything because they're afraid that if they say something, the girl will say something like, "Why are you looking?" and that causes a whole heck of a lot of trouble so that's probably why she can get away with it. Oh well. Teen girls will be teen girls. It was a good day though (if I haven't already said it before). It's funny that one day I'll have the absolute worst day and then I take a break and when I get back into it, it's like things do a total 180 and things are totally changed. It puts my faith back into students again. It's all about how they're raised at home. That's the key. Plus, Boise High is like the BEST high school in this area anyway so they better behave anyway. The kids that feed into that school are mostly high middle to upper class citizens, which doesn't have to mean that they've got class, it is just a factor in how the students will probably treat their teachers and anyone else. I had a couple of kids today help me get to the classroom that I was going to and they were so nice about it too. I was so appreciative!

Maybe I want to teach at Boise High eventually or whenever I get my master's. I'll have to see if they have many openings for ELL. There were too middle eastern students in one of the classes today and one of them had sort of a hard time with the math instructions and when he was trying to ask me what to do, he couldn't find the words as to how he needed help. So I know there is some need for that position. I really hope that I can find a job after going through all this schooling. In a bigger city, there'd be no problem but here it seems like the specialized teachers either die in their position or they already know who's going to take their place if for some rare reason they have to leave.

Not that this is a bad problem, but it's kind of annoying...I just bought some pants before school started and they're really nice and I love them! When I was buying them though, I tried on a 10 and a 12. The 10 was a little too tight for comfort--they fit but I would've felt self-conscious in them. Well, I tried on the 12 and they fit perfectly--almost too perfectly. I bought 'em and now not even a month into wearing them, they're too big and I have to keep pulling them up. IRRITATING! I mean, I love that I'm losing but when I have to keep buying clothes=spending money that we're kinda tight on right now, it's not the best thing right now. It's a tough predicament. BUT I will NOT gain the weight back just to fit into bigger pants--that's just ridikalus! (yes, I know I misspelled that word--it's for emphasis). I gotta have clothes that fit so both Kyle and I know that and so we make a little extra room for clothing purchases when the need arises. Plus, he's been playing golf, so there...buying clothes is my golf game. It's fair. :)

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