Thursday, September 11, 2008

Putting myself in others' shoes

Today is a very serious day. Every year on 9/11, I can't go the day without thinking about what happened. I've suddenly realized that within the last year or so, I've noticed that I've been extremely sensitive to traumatic situations such as this day that happened 7 years ago. I don't quite know how to explain it but it just feels like I almost channel into what people are feeling that have actually experienced these horrible events, whether it be personal experience or they've lost family members due to those events. Even though I've not been personally involved, I just feel so bad and sad and troubled as to why people do the things they do...For a few examples: when that man went into the Amish school house and shot all those innocent children for NO REASON AT ALL!!! Except that he was angry with himself. I cried while the news reporters were recounting the horrific story. Also, today I shed some tears for the families that have to experience 9/11 every year now. A constant reminder of those terrible terrorists that felt it was their duty to God to do this and attack America. What God would want people to attack others in his name??? Doesn't sound like the God I know. Now, this is in no way condemning all people that belong to a particular religion...ALL religions have their fanatics. I'm just saying that how can some people allow themselves to become so brainwashed and so mindless??? It's sickness. Whatever happened to thinking for yourself? Whatever happened to that saying, "if everyone was jumping off a bridge, would you?" I guess that saying doesn't translate to all languages but I'm sure they have their equivalents. I'm trying hard not to sound insulting to other cultures/religions in this entry so please don't take it this way. I'm just in a very contemplative mood and it's probably just because of what today is--a very important date in our history. I remember what I was doing that day in year 2001. I had class that day and I was getting ready to go--I had just gotten out of the shower all fresh and clean and had gotten dressed. I got my things (notebook, bookbag, etc) and walked out of my dorm. Note: we didn't have a tv in our room so I was clueless as to what happened. I walked down the hall and as I was passing some of the girls' rooms, they stuck their heads out and were whispering to eachother (not so quietly) "do you think she knows?" I turned around and said, "What do I know?" That's when they took me into their room and showed me their tv and then told me that school had been shut down for the day due to the events of the morning. It was unreal. It was like a movie--a really bad movie. One that just makes you stare in disbelief. Terror in people's faces--not a smile on anyone's good news anywhere. Myers Hall their tv in the common area on and students would come and go and some would pause to watch and others would just walk past. It got to the point that the news kept playing the footage so much that it was making people become numb and frustrated because of the repetition. The campus had an eerily quiet feel to it. A friend of mine was from NY and her dad was in the fire department--her eyes were bloodshot for a week. Luckily, she finally found out that her dad was okay and I think she said that he didn't have to go report to the site. heart breaks for everyone out there that has been affected by this.

I'll never forget...9/11/2001: "The day our world was broken."

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