Thursday, September 25, 2008

I've been busy this week!

I've been subbing 4 days this week and 3 of them for the same person. I'm currently an ELL teacher at an elementary school so I'm getting a taste for what it's like. Let's just say that I've never heard Burmese before now...I have these little boys that are from Burma and all they do is speak Burmese and bicker in Burmese all day. It's funny. This one little boy is so small! He's supposedly in 4th grade but he's only 3'9inches and he weighs about 40 lbs. The only reason I know that is because they're doing a book called "All About Me" and they have things such as "I live in a house/an apartment...I weigh this much and I'm this tall...." and so on. I'm formulating my opinion as to whether I'd want to teach ELL to elementary ages or not...I'd preferrably teach high school ELL but if elementary was my only choice, then I guess I would. It's hard though with that age. Their activity levels are so high and they're so young and immature that it's hard to work with them at times. I also have been working with 6th graders and well, any 6th grader can be hard to deal with no matter which country they're from! :) Anyway, they're starting to like me I think so today wasn't AS taxing as yesterday but it was still difficult because my first grade group was ALL about the fidgeting and fussing...I guess every group can't be perfect, right? The first graders aren't even all immigrants--they're just kids that need some extra language help because they're severely behind, I guess. It's been a good several days though. I'll take these days over a horrible day anytime!

My current weight: 168.2. I've lost about 25 pounds so far. I'm now in the my healthy weight range all though, I'd still like to lose a little more, I am feeling so much better about myself. I never thought I would say that I've lost 25 pounds ever in my life! I didn't even think it was possible. Altogether, it took me a little over a year to complete this and I still think I could lose about 5-10 more pounds so that I can feel even more comfortable in my skin. I feel wonderful as it is--just think if I can lose those extra 10 more how much more wonderful I would feel? At the weightwatchers place, they're doing this clothing swap thing where we can bring in clothes that we've shrunk out of and maybe somebody else would fit into them. I only brought 3 blouses because I've been steadily cleaning out our closet of things that I can't wear anymore simply because they're too boxy and loose or not flattering anymore. It was sad to let go of 2 of those blouses because I really liked them (the colors) but recently I've tried wearing them but had to just take them off and change into something else because they just ballooned out from my middle and no longer did their natural slimming trick that they are cut for. They just kinda made me look pregnant or something. Anyway, I'm sure I'll find even better things that fit me even better than those ever did! Walmart has some really cute stuff now. I was looking at some new sweaters they have and to think that before I wouldn't have even tried them because I think they're that kind of material that likes to cling a little bit but now whenever the time comes, I will be ready to try them on! Alright. There's an update. Hope you enjoyed.

:) :) :): ) :)

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