Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I'm angry and am feeling very used right now.

Today was not my day by any means! I had to sub as this elementary school and let's just say that I was used and wasn't treated like a human with a brain. I don't really want to get into it because it was a long horrible day with a head ELL teacher who didn't give a crap about me and who I was or that I had something in common with her by getting my Master's in ELL. She just said, "Oh?" And then continued looking at her email and made no other small talk. I was treated like a servant...go make 30 copies of each side of these 200 worksheets...WHAT A LOAD OF CRAP!! My title for the day was supposed to be an ELL TUTOR! Tutors are supposed to TUTOR students. The only fun I had today was working with a tiny girl in second grade named Janet from Africa. She was the cutest thing ever! She'd never been in school before and therefore, she couldn't write her name. I played a game with her and what I did was, even though she might not have understood exactly what I said, I told her that I was going to write a letter and see if she could do it better. Every time she wrote the letter "perfect", I made a huge deal out of it and gave her a high five and a smile! She liked the high fives and she also loves the letter 't'. She kept writing 't's and giving me high fives every time she wrote one. hahaha. She also liked the letters 'j' and 'n'. She had a little difficulty with the 'a' and the 'e'. It was the highlight of my day working with her. I love her! This further cemented the fact that I want to be an ELL teacher (with a brain)!!!!

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