Thursday, July 12, 2007

Yay! He stays!

Kyle stays with his job! We're no longer in threat of layoff...thanks again for the prayers and positive thoughts! Kyle was so happy today when he called me before he came home. He said that he had some good news and said that all the layoffs have already been done and he's safe. He said that his supervisor told him that they expect great things from him and he's expected to climb higher in the tree of knowledge when it comes to the implanter machines that he's working with. Apparently, he's got some big shoes to fill because this one lady that worked there knew EVERYTHING about these machines, but for some reason, she got laid off awhile ago and now it's Kyle's turn to do her job. He's so excited, he doesn't know what to do with himself. He says he wants to learn anything and everything he can for this job and I know he will. He's determined enough. So, all is well in Boise for the Campbells. We'll have our house in a couple of weeks and we'll finally be able to settle down in Idaho for awhile. Now, we get to go celebrate our first anniversary in Coeur d'Alene, ID. Yay!

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