Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Things are looking up

For everyone who has been asking, Kyle is really, really enjoying his job--and he's not even out of training yet! Oh, and he said that the CEO of Micron sent out an email today saying that they have already thinned out people--so I guess Kyle stays with Micron for now! Thanks for all the prayers and positive thoughts from everyone. I mean, this whole restructuring thing is still not completely over but we're thinking they're not targeting Kyle's area at least. The CEO also said that there's still some small areas that might be restructured later on, like in the next 6-12 months, so we still have a minute chance but we don't think it's going to be him. Keep the positive thoughts and prayers coming, but I guess they don't have to come so fervently because we seem to be in the clear for now. It looks like we're going through with the house and it's going to be ALL ours!! YAY!! Finally...something to call our own.

We went rollerblading tonight and we also went blading through the Boise State campus. It was so much fun! We even saw the band practicing on the smurf turf. Seeing the band instantly took me back to college times. I miss college. I'm sure that's a common feeling among most college grads. I'll never forget the good times I had with on-campus living, dining hall friends and dates (haha...funny story), and just all the exciting times I had as a college student. Oh, and who could forget driving those 26 ton buses? That's an experience I'll remember for the rest of my life! I met so many cool people. Anyway, I'm sorry for the sudden reminiscing, but the minute we started blading past all those school buildings and dormitories, I was instantly caught up in a nostalgic haze. It's a good thing I didn't fall.

Random change of subject: Kyle and I went to this new grocery store (well, it's not new to Boise, just new to us). It's called WinCo. We went there on Sunday night to do our weekly shopping and we discovered REALLY GOOD prices--I mean CHEAP! Of course, you have to bag your own groceries (I won't go without Kyle--he's able to do that pretty quickly). The produce was really great quality for low prices and the meat was really low also--and they had mahi-mahi fillets for about $4.15/lb! We bought so much produce because of the lower prices. We bought this huge watermelon for about 25cents a lb. It is a delicious melon, too. So sweet and so red. I've been eatin' on it this whole week and Kyle hasn't really touched it so it's ALL mine! I guess I'm on a watermelon kick right now, hence the colors of this text. We also bought a lot of peaches because I love to chop them up and put them on cereal. I love fruit--always have! It reminds me of being at Grandma and Grandpa's house in the summer and they would always have a huge bowl of fruit to eat with each meal just about it...fruit on cereal, fruit for snack, fruit for lunch and dinner....haha...needless to say, the bathroom was visited quite frequently--haha...ok, so that was a bit off color, but hey, that's what makes this blog so dang interesting! *Sigh* well, I guess it's time for bed...Kyle has to get up with the chickens tomorrow (4:45am mountain time). So long, farewell, Auf Wiedersehn'---Adieu....To you, and you, and you and you and you!!!

ps. Wiedersehn' is actually spelled Wiedersehen...they just cut off that 'e' because it's easier to say...kinda like we say goin' instead of going.

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