Tuesday, July 10, 2007

An afternoon at the Zoo

(a Gemboks...I think that's what it is)

(a very happy Zebra)

(Look! It's Happy Feet! I started wondering
why these penguins looked kind of nasty here
when they look so clean on the nature programs...
is it because they're in captivity?)

(He's lookin' at you!)

(I think this is the Snow Leopard)

We decided to go to the Boise Zoo...so here are some pictures to capture that event. Hope you enjoy! I have a few more but it's taking awhile to load the pictures onto this site, so I'll do the last of them tomorrow.
ps. I screwed up the layout of these pictures and can't figure out how to get the right text under the pictures--soooo....sorry. I'm not that computer literate--at least I can get the pictures ON the entry.... :)

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