Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Our First Anniversary Weekend

(a marshy area on the side of Coeur d'Alene Lake)
(the scenic byway around the lake)

(looking out across the water)

(Yes, that is a feather in the median--it's not real though)
(view from between some trees)

(this was the scenery we saw in both Oregon and Washington as we were driving to Coeur d'Alene)

(the area was pretty desolate on the way to our destination)
This weekend for our first wedding anniversary, we drove to a small town in northern Idaho called Coeur d'Alene (pronounced: Coor dalayne). It was a beautiful town as everyone had said to us before we got up here to Idaho. We weren't, however, aware that it was a lake resort--so, it'd would've been better to have a boat or a jetski on hand. Nonetheless, we had fun. We stayed Sunday-Monday night and we came home this afternoon. The town is about 7 hours north in the "chimney" of Idaho and there are no direct interstates from Boise to Coeur d'Alene, so we had to drive through the eastern parts of Oregon and Washington to get there. The eastern parts of those states are extremely desert like with little to no civilization. We drove through the Umatilla Indian Reservation and I wanted so bad to see some teepees, but alas...none to be seen. :( Instead, I saw one casino and the houses that I did see were not so savory. Oh well, it was interesting to see. I did see some wildlife while driving. There was this doglike creature about to cross the highway as we passed by--it was either a fox or some type of wolf. And THEN!! As we were driving later on, I happened to catch a vision out of the corner of my eye and it was this big, black animal that was sitting on the other side of the interstate watching the other side of the traffic go by...I don't know what it was--I thought it was a bear or maybe a buffalo or maybe a moose, but I don't know. Maybe it was Big Foot for all I know. I just know that I wished I had seen it completely to identify it. Anyway, it was a really good and relaxing weekend and I'm glad we did it. Happy First Wedding Anniversary to us! We're planning on going to more places since Kyle tends to have long weekends every other week due to his shift. Can't wait!

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