Saturday, December 13, 2008's been a long time

I just had a nice-sized glass of wine tonight and it's been a long time since I've had wine. So, it's affecting me...I feel at ease. Almost too at ease. Anyway, I figured that this would be the perfect time to plan for my 5 day sub job that I just acquired yesterday. It's a German job with one class of ELL. How perfectly planned by that school is that to call me? Unfortunately, the teacher that I'm subbing for left no lesson plan at all. Now I'm planning for at least Monday so I don't go in after the weekend totally unprepared. The wine is helping me at least be a little more relaxed while making the plans instead of stressed like I was yesterday. Mom and Dad can attest to that since I called them almost hysterical because of the French teacher that was there trying to brief me on what I should do with the kids. I don't know if you all know what French teachers are like, but this one in particular was what I would like to call the quintessential French teacher--all cracked out and high on marijuana....hahhahahaahha...She seriously was stressing me out the more she talked. The only good thing that she did for me was to locate some of the lesson materials but then some of the materials weren't fully explained as to what the kids had already done. I guess I'm just gonna wing it a little with some planning on Monday and find out from the kids what they've already done. Thanks again, Dad and Mom for being there when I needed to talk. I love you two so much! Thanks for the advice.

Okay, back to planning...

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