Friday, December 19, 2008

Made it!

I made it through the week! Hooray! The best part of today was that the kid that called me out and gave me attitude was not at school...that definitely made the day better! :) I gave the students all candycanes and chocolate candies. They appreciated it very much and one girl actually asked, "Are these from you?? Subs never give us anything!" Yeah, I guess I didn't really have to do this but I felt like I wanted to thank the students for behaving and cooperating with me this week, however difficult it might've been. A lot of them actually wondered if I was coming back after the break and wanted me to. They had frowns on their faces when I told them that I wasn't sure if I was. The teacher is wanting to take leave and so the principal had asked me if I could come back after the break but seeing as though we'll be in GA til about the 13th, I won't be officially back in town and ready to work until the 15th (accounting for the possible delays we may face on the 13th). Anyway, the principal said they appreciated all my hard work with the students and really wanted me back but wanted to keep subs consistent for the students. There's still a chance that the regular teacher will come back either that or they'll find another sub that they have names for who speak German or if all else fails, they'll get an interim sub until I get back. We'll see. The point is, they were happy with me and that makes me look really good in their eyes should a possible position come available! :) :)

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