Saturday, December 6, 2008

My classes are causing conflicts

Sometimes I wonder if my master's classes are worth it. I've pretty much figured out that I am pretty much in this program only for the certificate. Anytime I try to discuss these issues that we talk about in this class with other people outside the class, it seems like it just comes to a dead end and feelings end up getting hurt. There are too many huge problems in this world for one group of ESL master's class to change at once. Ugh. I'm getting tired of the whining that some do about life in this country in general. I know it's not a perfect world by any means, nor is it a perfect country, but other countries have their own problems and if you're not happy where you are, you can always get out. Doesn't matter where you are, just get out if you're not happy or not going to just live with it or don't have the guts to change what you don't like. I guess I'm saying that basically I'm not really learning "methods" to use in the ESL classroom or curriculum that is currently being used in the ESL classrooms. The classes so far have just been a bunch of (excuse the french) bitching and moaning about what injustices have been happening in the world of education and all over the place in this country. In my foreign language methods class, we actually LEARNED different types of lessons and how we could teach a foreign language! What a concept! It's sad to say that I learned MORE in my UNDERGRAD classes than in my GRADUATE classes!! What a crock! This is why I'm just jumping through hoops until I can just get my master's degree and then get the heck out!! Criminey!

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