Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Halfway through!

Today didn't go as well as I would've liked. I had a kid pull an attitude on me in front of some students, accusing me of being "unfair". Nobody else voiced that same sentiment so I assumed he was just being a little turd. It's kind of a long story but...I guess I'll tell it anyway:

This particular class, 5th period, turned out to be one of those classes that you think to yourself, "Oh's 5th period." They don't do much and when I tried playing games with them, they just seemed to not be interested. Apparently though, this kid wanted to play a game called "Silent Ball", which is the game that I allowed 6th period to play on Monday and the word spread, I guess. I didn't let 5th period do it because I had a feeling about this class that they wouldn't be able to handle the game in a mature manner (not throwing the stuffed object so hard that it hurts someone). Well, after this dork threw a fit at me today before class, I decided I'd test the waters and see if they actually could handle it. I tossed him the beanbag fish and he got ahold of it and guess what he did? He wound up his arm to get ready to throw it and threw it as hard as he could at the person next to him. AS SUSPECTED....I took the fish and asked if anybody ELSE wanted to play and they just stared at me blankly and nobody answered. I put the fish back in the file cabinet and said that's why we're not playing the game--nobody ever wants to play games! And when they do, they take it way out of hand! UGH! So when the closing bell rang, they all left and this girl that was in the class was across the hall and started saying something like, "O my gosh...German was so boring! All we did was watch Shrek(in German) and then just sat there and did nothing!" What the...??? It's their own ____ fault!!!!!

Okay, I'm done. I'm done with them. This is why I'm nervous to take extended term sub positions, with high schoolers anyway. A week is all I can mentally take. The good news is that I'm gonna take all the students candy canes and other various holiday candy goodies on Friday and they're allowed to bring a board game from home to share in class. It's early release, so each class is about 40 minutes long. Long enough. Lunch isn't even being served. We're getting out at 12:10 and I'm outta there! Don't get me wrong, I loved meeting most of the students in this lady's class and wouldn't mind subbing again for her but next time, I hope she provides a little more material and substance for the classes to get through so that we don't have these types of conflicts again. I hate feeling like this towards students. I want to like them all but unfortunately, I guess that's not the case--there's always gonna be at least one class that tests you a little more.

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