Thursday, November 20, 2008

Falling behind on my duties

It's been awhile since I've done this thing! Sorry to all my faithful readers! Not much new has happened though except for the fact that I recently acquired a new place to sub at...Bishop Kelly Catholic High School....interesting, huh? It's a private school and really the only reason I'm doing it is because of one of my classmates, Marino. He wanted me to be a sub for him sometime so he asked me to fill out the necessary paperwork in order to sub there. I had my first job there today. I subbed for an English class (which I really didn't do anything because there was a student teacher in there and I decided I wasn't going to infringe on her and take away any power that she had...I know how that feels) so I just sat in the back of the classroom and read my book. I stayed in there for awhile and then the sub placement person came to me and decided that I would go sit in for another teacher that left today and had no sub (shortages run rampant in that school, apparently--should I take this as a good or bad sign that there aren't enough subs?). She just kinda assumed that I wasn't certified since all of the other ones they had typically weren't and when I said, "Oh yes I am..." she said, "Oh! GOOOOD!!!!" I basically saved the day for them, I guess since I just so happened to be certified. hahaha. The only bad thing is that they pay less than the other districts but hey, money's money....and if there's a chance that neither Boise nor Meridian call me, then I'm probably gonna have a job with them. I'm being resourceful, if you wanna call it that. :) So then the other class that I subbed for was a teacher that taught things like theology, psychology and social Luckily, I wasn't exactly expected to teach...just babysit while they took tests or did bookwork or worksheets...busy work. It's odd to come from a public school and then to go into a private Catholic school and see crosses everywhere and morning prayers to open the day and a closing prayer at the end of the day...just not your typical experience for someone who's been raised in public schools where religion is totally taboo to even really talk about much less have religious symbols hanging on your walls for fear of being sued by a parent who refuses to let their child's horizons be expanded...the nerve! This high school seems to be pretty wealthy, well, it probably is because the students are expected to pay a pretty hefty tuition, I think...also another clue was that in the hallway, I saw kids with these fancy cellphones and those electronic planner things (forgot the name of them) and whatnot...things I would never even dream of spending money on--not that it wouldn't be nice to have a fancier phone and maybe one day, I will but it's just not necessary right now...and I certainly don't think it's necessary for 15-19 year olds to have something fancier than the teacher! ha! I guess that's how it will always be though, right? The kids were really nice though...a different type of student--at least the ones that I came in contact with anyway.

Let's see, what else...? Not really that much has sorry to disappoint! At least I refreshed the blog with some more random ramblings so you don't look at the same thing over and over again, time after time....hehehe. Oh, I've completely finished the Twilight saga...finished the last book today...while subbing. ha. It's so good that it only took me about 2 weeks to read all 4 books. Now that's a good book then. I can't keep my attention on any one single book unless it hooks me right away, which is what this did. The second book was a little boring but I kept going because I wanted to get to the better parts so that kept me flipping pages. Mom, you should read them--you'd be done in like 2 days... :) If you want, I could bring the books to GA when we visit and I'm sure you'd have them done by the time we left again.

The order of the books are as follows, in case any of you have any desire to join the Stephenie Meyer (she's the author) craze: Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn. The Twilight movie comes out tomorrow and I'm going to go see it right after work! I'm excited! I've read one review that said that it was nothing short of amazing. Of course, it's not perfect like the book, but it's GOOD. Even people who haven't read the book will be able to enjoy the story. It's a wonderful love story and yes, it's aimed at the adolescents but it really is a great story!

Have I mentioned that the story's good? Okay...I'll shut up now. G'night!

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