Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Under Pressure

I've been thinking about this a lot: many women around me that I know, whether it's friends or family, are having babies or are working on a second or third. While I know it's not something that I want at this point and time, I still feel the pressure and I think Kyle does sometimes too but not as much as me since women tend to feel this pressure a lot more. I feel like it's almost expected of me to have already had one or be working on having one at this point. There's a part of me that says, "why not? why not go ahead and just do it?" and then there's another part of me that says, "no, no, no...it's not in my plan for my life right now--I've got to finish my Master's!!" Well, I just feel that when I'm going to have a baby, I want ALL of me to say YES. I shouldn't have any doubts as to whether I want one or not--it should just happen and I'll be pleased and happy about it. Kyle and I have talked about this before and he asked me if he'll ever feel parental instincts and want to have a child and he even asked me if I'm feeling them yet. I told him that women tend to feel them before men and it's natural that way because of our motherly instincts kicking in about this time or something but I also told him that I want both of us to be ready at the same time. We still have so much we want to do and accomplish (i.e. more travelling to distant places, schooling, a little more money in our pockets, etc). *sigh* It's just overwhelming at times. I've even had a close friend ask me, "So? Are you two thinking about having a baby pretty soon? I mean, ya'll are coming up on your 2 year anniversary, right?" As if that's supposed to be the "time" to have one. Like, "okay, you've had your fun for 2 years, now go make a baby!" Everybody has their different "time" and I just don't think that ours is right now. I've known people who wait for at least 5 years before having children! I still don't know when our time will be exactly but I know that it is still way off in the distance...

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