Monday, August 11, 2008


CONGRATULATIONS TO MY COUSIN, ERIN! She just got engaged to her boyfriend, Oscar! Yay! I must say that her ring is a show-stopper! woo hoo!

I did my next segment of training today (3 miles at an easy pace) AND THEN, I decided that I would go to my regular dance class because I hadn't been in awhile and I kinda missed it. So, altogether I ended up doing about an hour and a half worth of exercise...dang. Don't know if that's good for my joints or not because my knees are starting to hurt from all the running and then the dance class required us to jump around a lot. Needless to say, I didn't do some of the jumping--just faked it. I hope I don't mess up my knees too badly before this half-marathon! This knee hurting though is apparently common among joggers because a coworker of Kyle's said that he had just run a 7 mile race and his knees are still hurting, especially while he was training. I'm sure there's an exercise out there that strengthens the knees so that maybe they won't hurt as much. I think I'll look it up tonight. Anyways, training is still going well except that I'm starting to feel the monotonous of the treadmill but I'm still gonna keep going! As soon as it cools down more outside, I'll probably try to run more outdoors so that I can get used to that. The treadmill is good right now so that I can get used to the different paces and see which one feels the best for me so that I don't go too fast and wear myself out quicker.

Alrighty, that's about it. More later. Again, CONGRATULATIONS TO ERIN AND OSCAR!

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