Saturday, August 4, 2007

Moving in...finally

Today is the first day we're going to actually live in our house! The rooms aren't completely ready, but it won't take too much more. I've gotta try and get most of our stuff out of the apartment and bring over to the house. That way we won't have too much more bring over later. We have to check out of the apartment by the 10th of this month so this weekend is about the best time to do it. Yesterday, I worked with all of my clothes that were just piled all the way from our closet and all throughout the bathroom. It looked a little bit chaotic, but it actually didn't take me too long. Now all that's left in there is for Kyle to put his clothes up. I told him today that if I felt gracious enough, I just MIGHT put his clothes up for him....we'll see. ;) We're excited to be able to finally live there instead of going back and forth from one place to the other. It's only a 20 minute drive between, but it seems like longer and longer the more trips you have to make.

Sorry I haven't been updating as often as I used to. I've been at the house most of the time and trying to get everything together and I've been exhausted afterwards. Plus, not much new has really happened anyway. So, we ordered a new daybed yesterday morning. I think it'll be pretty. The only thing is that it's gonna take up the WHOLE room just about it. It's about 78' long and 38' wide (meaning from the wall to the center of the room). It's white iron--kinda like the one at Mom and Dad's house, but I don't guess it looks just like it. We've got to find a good mattress store that will ship 2 mattresses to us for not too much money. We were going to order the mattresses that came along with the daybed, but it was too much money for 2 crappy mattresses. Now, I have to go find bedding for this bed. I'll have to see if Bed, Bath and Beyond has it. Anyway, guess I better go now. I gotta get busy with moving. We'll put up pictures of the house after we've got it more settled so ya'll can see what it looks like with ALL of our stuff. Later!

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