Saturday, August 15, 2009

Party...of 3

I had a get-together tonight which should've had more than 3 (including me) but it didn't work out. My friends Amy and Kristin came over we just ended up looking at their Europe travel pictures. It was fun but a little disappointing that more people didn't show up. Oh well. I had dip (thanks for the recipe, Faye!), sweet tea and muddy buddies to munch on. My friend, Kristin said that my sweet tea was the best she's ever had. She said that other sweet teas she's tried were way too sweet and this one was just right. :) This is why I think most people cringe when they hear the words sweet tea and grits--it's because when they try these things, they get people who don't know what the HECK they're doing and screw those things up so badly! No wonder people in the north seem to not like this stuff! They've had bad experiences! They need to just let me come on over to their house and fix them up some sweet tea and grits (with eggs and cheese all mixed up and put on top of toast)! Mmmmmmm!!!! Whenever I talk to someone and ask if they've ever had grits, they make a gag face and say that it's bland and has no taste. I tell them they just haven't had a real southern person make grits for them. They have be shown how it's done, am I right? ;)

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