Wednesday, May 20, 2009

What gets into these kids? The devil, that's what.

I had a kid in one of my classes blatantly take a red marker and go over to the debate teacher's side of the room and make a line of red on the teacher's debate team picture! What the ...??? I don't understand these children!!?? They make absolutely no sense whatsoever! I wrote him up IMMEDIATELY because I was just so aggravated and irritated at the little turd! No respect for personal property...AT ALL! I think I have the worst classes compared to the other foreign language teachers because whenever I tell them about what has happened in my class, they act all shocked and are like, "They really did that?" I guess it also matters that the other language teachers on my hall teach mainly Advanced Placement students. That makes a huge difference a lot of times. BECAUSE THEY SEEM TO HAVE THE BRAINS TO LEAVE CRAP ALONE THAT'S NOT THEIRS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just want to scream sometimes. No...all the time. My second period sheltered English class for ELLs are getting weird too. The boys are getting extremely aggressive with each other. Particularly with this one boy. This boy is a senior (22 yrs old, mind you). The only reason he's in school is the district interpreted the rules differently--how they did this, I don't know because I thought with all students, they are allowed a Free and Appropriate Education up until the age of 21. Anyway, that doesn't really matter to me. The other boys are calling him "pirate" because he's from Somalia. They also are just trying to pick fights with him and get him fired up. I talked to the head ELL teacher and she said that she's witnessed this also and she's tried to talk to them about it. Apparently, they just aren't listening. As much as I hate to do it, I may just have to start writing up the aggressors. It's driving me insane! They're so loud and they won't shut up! I constantly raise my voice at them to get them to shut up and sit down and calm down...that doesn't help (of course, I don't say shut up but I wish I would). I finally had to talk to the junior vice principal to see if he could talk about it with the boys. I don't know if anything will happen. I'll probably have to write some people up tomorrow during class.

I have 6 days left. Help. Me.

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