Friday, May 8, 2009


Sorry I haven't been posting as much as I used to--I know it gets irritating to come to this page and not see anything changing. Here's an update of what has happened in the past week:

*More work
*Finished my Wednesday night class
*Applied for a German position that's available
within the Boise district (it's not exactly what I want, but it's a paycheck, if I get the job--although I haven't gotten a call for an interview yet but the closing date for the position being online isn't til the 10th)
*Got to page 9 on my 15 page paper
*Gotta finish the paper this weekend and turn it in by the 13th.
*Finally got the backyard mowed this afternoon because this week has been CRAPPY in regards to the weather--rain everyday just about it.
*Got 2 out of the 3 recommendation letters that I need for that application and they were both glowing evaluations of me as a person and as a teacher--the other one, I had to work for today because the 2nd vice principal decided he actually wanted to come in and see me teach (which he's already done once--guess he forgot how wonderful I was--hehehe).
*Been kinda down about my weight loss efforts this week because I used up too many of my bonus points too early this week and so I had left no room for later in the week treats so what did I do? Decided to say to heck with it for a little bit and ate some stuff that I wanted. I seem to go through this every once in awhile but then I get re-motivated. I just don't want to go and weigh in tomorrow--it's gonna be scary. I think I might run there again like I did a few weeks ago. It was fun and it ended up helping me on the scale by making me lose 2 lbs! Of course, the run isn't the only way I lost it--I was pretty good the whole week too--it just helped me a little more. I haven't been to a meeting in 2 weeks because one week, I had a class meeting for my practicum experience and then last weekend, I just wanted to take it easy and sleep as much as I could. This week, I gotta get back on the bandwagon.

We're getting excited for our 2 trips this summer. It'll be nice to get away from things a bit. I definitely need some time out and about without worrying about school and teaching. I have summer classes too but those happen after we get back. I'm also registered to take the certifying exam for ELL teachers. I'm kinda scared because what's sad is, these Master's classes haven't been teaching us jack-squat about what's on this test!!!!! I bought the study book for the test so hopefully that'll help me. I haven't looked at it too much lately because of this 15 page paper but I'm sure that once that is done, I will have more time to focus on studying. I better study--the test cost me $80 and the study book cost me $22.95! Ugh. It's always about the money, isn't it?

I can't wait until Memorial Day weekend. It'll be a nice, long weekend to just sit back and enjoy myself. I wanted to go somewhere with Kyle but it's not going to work out because he switches to nightshift this coming week and that weekend of Memorial Day, he'll have to work on Saturday night. It wouldn't be worth going somewhere for just Sunday and part of Monday. Well, at least not an 8 hour trip. If he didn't have to work that Saturday night, we'd probably try to hit up Portland. We might still try to do that though later on in the summer.

Since Kyle will be on nights, it looks like I might have to learn how to stay up late again and possibly do my housework then. I want to do some more painting around the house. I need to finish baseboards that I still haven't done and refresh some paint on the doors that have scuffs on them. I want to paint our bedroom but that'll be tricky to do. Anyway, they're just plans. Doesn't mean it'll happen right away. I just feel like the house is still unfinished and I want it to be closer to finished by the end of the summer.

Hope this was a good update.

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