Sunday, January 4, 2009

It hurt sooooo baaaaaaddd!!!!!!!!

I had something interesting happen to me today while visiting with Amanda---something I thought I would never experience in my lifetime. I went to the stables with Amanda to ride her horse because I had been wanting to forever. I did pretty good with some groundwork such as getting the horse used to me giving her commands and making her aware of me being next to her and so on. I got on Aspen and started riding and steering was so much fun! We even got her to trot and do a little bit of cantoring (just short of running). It really is a workout to keep the horse going! I took the horse through an obstacle course and after that, we took her back to the barn and we were preparing to go on a trail ride. I was gonna ride another horse named Chief because he's a more stable and docile horse used for lessons. Aspen really doesn't like Chief and that's where the story begins...

Amanda got Chief all saddled up and gave me his ropes to lead him along and she and Aspen went out first. She told me to give her and Aspen some space before coming out and so I waited awhile til Chief and I left the barn. We were going towards the trail area and there were two people leaving out the gate to the stable yard. I kept following Amanda and Aspen and stopped at a certain point. Apparently, it was too close to Aspen because the next thing I knew, I was letting out this huge, blood-curdling yell/scream. Aspen had kicked me in the leg, just missing my knee cap!!!! I was in such shock and fear that I actually kinda couldn't believe what had happened! I stood there with my leg stinging and throbbing and just waiting for the pain to subside. Amanda stood there and kept asking me if I was okay and was I sure and I kept saying that I was okay and that we still could go on the ride but then the fear and worry came back into me and I said that maybe we shouldn't. I bent over to hide the tears that finally came to me and Amanda thought I was gonna puke but I didn't. I just didn't want to cry in front of the other people in the hurt so bad but there are no hard feelings because I know it was just Aspen responding to that other horse and she saw that he was in her line of vision and then sensed something behind her and decided to act. I still want to ride her or another horse but I know that I need to be definitely more careful next time. This is definitely something that I thought could never happen to me ever. But if I could ever have a horse kick me, I'm glad it was Amanda's. I think it's better that Aspen did it to me than a random horse that way, I'm not scared of every horse that comes around and also I know the reason why she did it instead of thinking the horse did it for no reason.

I guess I've been inducted into the world of being kicked by a horse because according to everyone at the barn, everybody's had at least one instance of being kicked or thrown off the back of a happens to the best of us.

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