Thursday, January 22, 2009

Decisions, decisions

Well,'s that time again. I'm brainstorming on colors for my next paint projects: finishing our bedroom/bathroom (that I've never started), the living room and possibly the kitchen. As Kyle was looking in Lowes for some kind of thingamajigger, I went to the paint section to look at the different colors. For our bedroom, I want a brighter color because the room is just too dark--we don't get a lot of sun in there until the late afternoon. I'm wanting a kind of tropical theme with the palm trees and I just want it to seem brighter and like a retreat to Jamaica or something. I don't want the walls too bright though. I'm leaning towards the lighter golden colors so that it looks good with greens from the curtains and the pillows that I found at Pier 1. For the master bath, I'd like to have it either the same color as the bedroom or the complimenting green but green can get tricky--it can either look like pea soup or baby poop, so I'm still unsure about that one. I was trying to find paint color samples to post on here so that ya'll could see but I was unsuccessful. :( Oh well. For the living room, we're also wanting to lighten it up and make the colors more neutral so that when it does come time to sell in the far, far future, it won't be hard to please people with colors but will also still go with my earthy tones that I like. The one color sample I'm looking at is called Toasted Almond. It looks about the right kind of brightness. The kitchen might be easier to just paint it the same as the living room since there really is no real room division between the living room and the kitchen. I don't want to pick another color for the kitchen/eating area if they're gonna clash but the color that I might choose is Vanilla Brandy (again, I know these names don't really mean anything but maybe it'll give you an idea about the colors I want to use). Anyway, I'm probably gonna start this project in the late Spring or whenever I get bored enough to do it, whichever comes first. :)

ps. I had to do this tropical background to lift me out of the Winter blues. It's been cloudy here ever since we got back from cloudy GA. We have what is called an inversion, where a thick blanket of clouds settle down on the valley at a certain altitude and then above the cloud line, it's perfectly clear. For example, once you cross the boundary of clouds in the mountains and reach Bogus Basin ski resort, it's blue sky and sun. AND it's warmer up there too. The other day at the ski resort, it was almost 50 degrees, while down here it was 30!!!! How weird is that??? Needless to say, that's why I'm wanting to lighten up the house and can't wait til Spring!

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