Sunday, October 14, 2007

Can't sleep

I'm writing because I can't sleep. I don't really have anything new to say except that our cat is driving us crazy! We can't wait until he gets declawed in a week because then he will finally stop clawing at the door frames and making me have to repaint! He has a scratching post but I guess that isn't good enough or tall enough like a tree is. I guess that's why he claws at the door frames--they're tall like a tree. He's still a cutie though and I spoil him too much. I know he claws things to spite me. hehehe...

I have a sub job tomorrow. I'm subbing for a teacher that I've already subbed for and I'm kinda dreading his last class period. There's a kid in there that claims he's a foreign language genius and he knows like 3 or 4 different languages and one of them happens to be German (or at least he thinks he knows German). The bad thing is he tries to get me to answer his inappropriate questions (which he constantly slaughters the pronunciation of the words so that I really can't understand him). I just know to say no when he asks me a question. Never say yes to something you don't quite understand. I'm gonna have to tell him to stop or I'll write him up for the teacher to see when he gets back. Other than that, I think it'll be a pretty smooth day.

Ugh, I can't sleep and I have to get up at like 5:45am so that I can leave at about 6:40am in order to avoid MAJOR traffic. I was late to my Friday job because of traffic. Luckily, the teacher I was subbing for wasn't a classroom teacher. They were very understanding and apparently, I wasn't the only one being held up by it either. Oh, and much to my misfortune (or at least I thought it was) the school provided teachers with (huge) breakfast muffins in the lounge and that being my weakness, I took one--and ATE THE WHOLE THING!! I even ate another for lunch!! AHHHHHHHHHH!! I couldn't help myself and plus, I ate a slice of pizza later!! I just knew that WW weigh-in was not gonna be pretty....UNTIL I got to the Saturday morning weigh-in and found out that I LOST pounds instead of GAINED them. did that happen? I must've done something right in the process of the week...maybe it was because I felt guilty Friday evening and ended up going to the gym and did 1 hour on the elliptical? Maybe that helped. Needless to say, I was relieved. They did say at the meeting one day that this plan really works because it helps you even when you tend to "fall off the horse" occasionally and you can always "get back on the horse" when you do mess up. That's exactly what I did...This week will be much better and to start it out, I ate a 3 point meal tonight (Caesar salad with tuna on it). I got the recipe from the new WW cookbook I purchased last night. Of course, I added the tuna myself because the salad wouldn't have been enough by itself. I needed some protein. So, the point of this story is that WW helped me even when I started to slip back into my old eating habits. I'm hoping that by the time Christmas rolls around that I'll be even more disciplined because that's when it'll count the most--BUT I also don't want to deprive myself of the goodies that come along with that special holiday! As long as I can get my physical activity in, I'll probably be okay.

We bought a bike for me today so that we can finally go bike riding together in the foothills. Now all we need is the bike rack for his car--unfortunately, it costs altogether around $500...what a bummer. I think we should wait a little while, right? For now, I think we can just disassemble the bikes and probably just take 2 cars to where we want to ride since we can't fit both bikes in our cars. That'll be the temporary solution, I guess...

Okay, guess I better get to sleep if I don't want to be yawning all day tomorrow and feel miserable. Good night, folks! Oh one more thing before I forget! Tonight at the grocery store, I was wearing my Georgia bag from Granny (Kyle's grandma) and we were waiting in line to check out...this man came up to us and asked if we were from Georgia and I said yes. He asked us where from and I said the ATL area and he said, "oh yeah? we're from Savannah and we've been here for about 12 years! My nephew (I think that's what he said) goes to UGA now!" I thought was so neat to meet someone from home here in Idaho because it's so rare. Also, it's kinda weird because my accent got kinda made fun of on Friday at the elementary school. It was all in fun, but it still was strange that these ladies got such a kick out me...they kept asking me to say stuff like the number 9 and the word "my". Apparently, they can hear it really well. Okay, more about that really is time for me to go.. Night, for real!

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