Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Memorial Day weekend

(I asked Grandpa to stand in front of his Lincoln Continental before the parade)
(Grandpa headed up the parade in his Lincoln Continental--he is a WWII veteran)

(My uncle Doug driving the company truck--my cousin Ben is in the passenger seat. They asked me if I wanted to drive the truck since I still have my CDL but I said no...didn't want to be responsible for running over little children picking up candy in the street)

(My brother Chris and my cousins Tom and Eric riding on one of the company trucks in the parade)

Our plane landed last night at about 10pm from Indianapolis. We had fun there in Milford this weekend. It all started out on Friday when we left Rowland...

Friday afternoon: I was chompin' at the bit to leave that afternoon so that we could fly to Indiana and begin our family fun. Kyle picked me up at about 2:20ish and we drove straight to the airport--turns out we were really early for our flight with was going to leave at about 6:30pm. Oh well, we weren't in any hurry once we got there, which is how I like it. We ate a leisurely meal of Wendy's hamburgers and frosties. We went through security and walked all the way down the concourse area to concourse D instead of taking the train. We walked into one of those news stand stores and I bought a wordsearch puzzle book to keep me busy and we continued to the gate and waited for about 2 hours. We finally got on the plane and sat there for what seemed like forever when the pilot came on the speaker and said that they were having fuel panel problems and there was a chance that we would not be able to take this particular plane. I was hoping we wouldn't have to switch and finally the pilot announced again that the problem had been fixed and that we would take off momentarily, which still made me a little nervous. We landed in Indy just fine though without problems. We got in our rental car and arrived in Milford, IN at about 11:45pm. We went straight to bed. I was surprised to see that Grandma was so full of energy and awake at this hour. The reason was she was pumped full of Prednazone because she caught Poison Sumac (sp?) and the doc put her on that stuff. It was kind of funny.

Saturday: We woke up at about 8am so that we could go eat a healthy breakfast of pancakes and sausage that the Kiwanis club was hosting. It was all you can eat. Needless to say, we ate all we could eat. It was a sausage and pancake fest. Mmm... I was full for most of the day and probably could've gone the whole day without eating anything else. Then, some family members of Grandpa came up and we went to the cemeteries of Milford and Union Township because one of the ladies was very interested in geneology. It was interesting to see all of the old tombstones. It started to rain, so that cut short the Union Township visit. We went back to the house and then we decided to go out to eat with Amanda (my cousin) at Hacienda and then we went out to the Frog (a bar). Food was good, drinks were (pretty) good. The bar was so loud and I didn't enjoy that too much. My brother, Chris, had this weird friend, whose name he didn't know, that kept coming over to our table and bought me drinks (2 Jager bombs to be exact)...ick. Anyway, after all was said and done, we left and went home for the night.

Sunday: got up for church and then came back and went out to lunch with Gma, Gpa, Chris and Tom. It was a really nice restaurant and we had a great time together eating. Amanda, Kyle and I went to go see Pirates 3. It was a really good movie, but it was terribly long. Some of the parts I didn't quite understand what was going on just because of the accent from Calypso the goddess. The visual effects were awesome though. After the movie, we went to Ted and Becky's to cook out over a bonfire. Mmmm...we had hotdogs, burgers and s'mores(my favorite)! We stayed til about 10:30 or so and went back to the house.

Memorial day: got to go see the parade--something I had never been able to see before! It was so much fun and I have pictures that maybe I'll post later. After the parade, we went to a service out at the Milford cemetery. My grandpa spoke at the service because he is a WWII veteran and he was in charge of listing veterans who had passed away in the past year. It was a very good service. It really made you think. I wished that some of my friends and people I know who are totally against war and whatnot could've been there to hear it. It probably wouldn't have changed their minds anyway. :( I like those country songs that talk about war. Toby Keith is a great example: he says, "We'll put a boot in your a**, it's the American way"....haha. Basically, those songs talk about never forgetting what happened and that we'll stand up for what's right. After the service, we all went out to Dan and Nilah's for food, food and more food. We also played a quick game of softball-- and my muscles are STILL hurting, especially my shoulder from throwing the softball so hard. We left for the airport at about 3:30 or so and I was sad to say goodbye to my brother. I cried. I didn't cry as hard as I did when we left my mom's side of the family but I think that's because I know I'll probably see the Brown side of the family at Christmas (more than likely if we can get the time off and have the money). Plus, Katie and Joe are going to be about 8-9 hours away from us while they're in Montana for the summer.

So, it was a great weekend. I'm tired though. At least I didn't have to be at work until about 8:30am. Only a few more hours until we leave for the summer!

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