Sunday, September 27, 2009

Celebrating women

I did the St. Luke's Women Celebration 5k yesterday morning. Ran most of it and probably would've run all of it had it not been for my running buddies, Anita and her daughter stopping a few times. That's okay though because we had a lot of fun. I think next year if we do it again, we'll do the timed race. This was just a non-timed section we were in and so it didn't matter how long we took to run it. Today Kyle and I signed up for the Barber to Boise 10k together. He wanted to do a run with me finally. He was saying how I do all these little runs and he thought maybe he'd like to do one too. So we are doing that one on October 17th. My City of Trees half marathon is this coming Sunday. I'm nervous but I'll be okay. I'll probably just have to stop a lot to walk since I didn't train nearly as much as I did last year. Maybe that's what will happen but then again, maybe the adrenaline push will get me to go further. Who knows?

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