Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Antelope Island, the great Salt Lake, and some BUFFALO!!

On the way to Antelope Island, we saw some oil refineries and Kyle said that I must get a picture of at least one.
On the causeway to Antelope Island/the great Salt Lake.
The lake SMELLS!!!!!!!

We were approaching the beach where everyone goes to get into the nasty, briny water.

It was so sunny and as a result, I have a really nice sunburn on my back and Kyle only got like a little strip of sun on the back of his neck.
Maybe I got the burn because I was wearing a tanktop instead of a tshirt?
That black stuff on the beach is dead (brine) flies. When we walked closer, there were clouds of brine flies swarming all around our feet---NASTY!!!!!!

Kyle was gonna go see what all this bouyancy thing was all about...I opted out.
While waiting on Kyle to get deeper into the water, I took some scenery pictures.
He really is floating! He said that it was the strangest feeling ever--he even exhaled all of the air out of his lungs and he still remained floating!
This was even in shallower water and he still wasn't sinking to the ground.
The nasty (dead) brine flies.
Whoa! Buffalo crossing sign! I've never seen buffalo before!
Here they are! We drove to the ranch on the island and saw some buffalo in the distance. There was a sign that said that bison were dangerous and we shouldn't approach them.


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