Friday, June 20, 2008

A Plan

Here's what I'ma gonna do...

Drink a gallon+ of water everyday (I have a clean milk jug in the fridge that's filled with water--already drank my first gallon of water today).
Really monitor what I eat and record EVERYTHING!
Be as active as possible (already on the right track because today I mowed the lawn and just when I thought I was going to give up and sit down afterwards, I turned the tv to the Fit channel and I finished the last half hour of a step aerobic program on my steps that I bought at a garage sale awhile back. I did that for the next 10 minutes until a commercial break and thought I was gonna quit then but I just said, "no...I can't do that to myself--have to keep going" for a total of about 80 minutes of cardio activity for the day).

I'm determined to turn this plateau around. TAKE THAT! HIIII YAAAHHHH!!! (karate chop)

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