Saturday, March 8, 2008

I'm feeling good today

Well, Mom and Dad got their tickets to come out here in June (21st-28th)! I'm so excited! Now, I probably oughta begin my painting projects again. I want to paint the guest bathroom now because I came up with what theme I want in there and it seems as though it's a pretty popular theme for bathrooms--I went to Big Lots this morning while waiting on the WW meeting to begin and I discovered my theme-- Beach and lighthouses. I bought a lighthouse wall hanging thing, a shell mosaic candle holder and the cutest little seagull figurine that is sitting on top of wooden logs that are tied together like you see on some piers. All that was under $20 together--Big Lots is the best! I told Kyle and he was worried I was becoming nic-nacky (or however you spell it) and I said that the bathroom doesn't really have enough counter space for that many things so the next things I'll buy are probably paint to compliment the beachy look and some lighthouse pictures or a nice beach picture. I already had a Yankee candle that is called "Ocean Water" so what better theme to pick? Plus, moving here to Idaho where there aren't any beaches in sight unless you totally leave the state (well, there are lakes but it's not the same), I had started missing the idea of a beach. So, I wanted to make the bathroom like one.

Yesterday at school, it was an early release day for the kids and it was a collaboration day for the teachers. We had a faculty meeting in the afternoon after all the kids left. The ice-breaker game was a name game. We had to figure out who had the most interesting story behind their name. The best story came from a teacher named Larry Richter. He said that he had some neighbors move in near him who were from Hong Kong (he called them Hongkinese--hahaha). And as you all know or have heard, Asians have a hard time pronouncing their R's and pronounce them like L's and they may switch the sounds or something. Well, when he introduced himself, "I'm Larry Richter," they responded like, "Ahh...Rarely Lickter." HAHAHAHAHAHAHA....of course, the room burst into laughter! So needless to say, he won the prize for the game.

My car gave me some grief yesterday while driving to work with Rellis in the passenger seat. The day before when I was driving home, my car started lurching and jumping while I was driving on the interstate. It scared me so bad! I was hoping that it was just a fluke but sadly, it wasn't. The next morning while driving with Rellis, my car did the lurching again and then it died at a couple of intersections. Luckily, when I would restart it the engine would start up again with ease but if I stopped at other intersections, it would die again. I called Meridian Ford and they said they wouldn't be able to see my car until Monday, which is fine because I just happen to be taking a personal day on Monday so it won't cause me any transportation problems. I just hope that they can fix it and be done with it on Monday. Anyway, I left school yesterday shortly after the meeting so that I could drop off the car at the Ford place. I hated to keep driving it anymore than it should for fear of more damage. So, on my way to the shop, it was lurching and stopping even worse! As I started to get onto the interstate, it lurched and wanted to die right there on the acceleration lane. I got it started again and it kept doing that all down the interstate. Finally, I got off the interstate to go on slower roads so that it wouldn't be a big deal to stop off somewhere and there weren't so many fast cars. The bad thing was that I kept catching all of the red lights and at all but maybe 2 intersections, my car decided to cut off. UGH. I was limping my car all the way to the dealership. I finally made it to the place and waited til Kyle could get there so that I would have a ride home. They didn't come up with a diagnosis right there after I explained what happened. The guy said it could be anything because my problems that I was having were rather generic. That's kinda frustrating, but hopefully they'll find something and hopefully fix it without it costing an arm and a leg (fingers crossed).

The funny thing is, I KNEW that as soon as we spent all this money on ski passes and ski gear, something big would stop working. The first thing to quit was our above-range microwave. We had to buy a new above-range microwave and Kyle didn't want to have anybody paid to install it so we did it ourselves (even though I told him that a coworker of mine said it's worth paying the money because of the hassle you have to go through with drilling all those holes and stuff). Then, after the microwave, my car. I guess you could say, "when it rains, it pours." Fortunately, we have the money to fix these things but it's still a big chunk to have to pay all of the sudden. *Sigh* That's life, I guess. Welcome to the real world, Campbells is what you're all saying about now, right? :)

Who's next to come visit Idaho after my parents? Our house is always welcoming visitors (especially in the summer since I'm not working at school during then)! Just let us know when and we'll get it ready! :)

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