Saturday, September 15, 2007


My first week doing Weightwatchers and I've already lost 4.2 pounds! Yay! I like the points system! I don't have to really worry about calories, just the points and that makes eating well easier. Plus, so far I've been going to aerobic classes 4 days a week. Hopefully I can keep that up once I start getting sub jobs. Most of the classes, though, are in the evening so I probably won't have any problems keeping my activity up. Oh, by the way, just in case you didn't get the message--my cell phone number changed. I had to do this because the Sub office called me to tell me that I was clear for working, but I needed to get a local number or else the subfinder machine wouldn't call me if a teacher requested me. So, if you want my new cell number, email me because I'm not sure I want to just broadcast it over my blog.

Lately, it's been hard for me to go to sleep since Kyle isn't here at night. Once I get to sleep, however, I'm fine. It's just difficult at first because my mind plays tricks on me and I keep thinkin' that I hear noises like a tv is on or something. *sigh* My remedy for now is to put in earplugs and that seems to help because it just makes everything quiet. Maybe I'm just crazy. Who knows? I've met our backyard neighbors, Nickie and Chris. Nickie's very nice and likes to talk a lot--which is good. She invited me to come over anytime at night when I was feeling uncomfortable at the house alone. Her husband also works night shift at the hospital in Boise. He's a nurse and he works every other weekend, plus every Monday and Tuesday night. He's been doing that for the past 6 years, so she's used to it now. She understands though that it's tough. She also said that there's another lady in our stretch of houses that is alone at night because of the same thing and that lady calls her sometime and asks if she can come over for a little bit. I still feel kinda weird calling someone to see if I can come over--I feel like I'm inviting myself. Oh well...I think I'll take Dad's advice and bring over some kind of goodie for the family as a peace offering or a thank you for being so hospitable to me. Maybe I'll make a cheesecake again.

*YAWN* guess I better go to bed now...wish me luck. :) Good night.

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