Tuesday, January 4, 2011

My first opportunity!

This weekend, my ZUMBA instructor is going to be out of town in order to check out the area to where they are relocating. SO, she told me that in order to have a practice at leading a ZUMBA class, she'd let me sub for her at the dance studio she usually works at on Saturdays!! WOOHOO!! Anyway, I'm really excited and I've already begun practicing for this awesome opportunity! Now I just have to see if people will come so I can get some money for my time. I've already tried a couple of people but one said she could come but then just told me she couldn't because of a work schedule change. boooo. excuses. I'm tired of hearing excuses for not working out. "I'm too tired..", "It's too inconvenient...", "but first I have to do this...then I have to do that...it's too much".. ugh. I mean I understand the working part, really I do. But I'm just tired of excuses in general when it comes to well being. Those same people who make all the excuses are the same ones who complain that they need to lose weight. Yet, they don't want to put in the effort or time. You have to make time for yourself because YOU ARE WORTH IT. Sometimes you have to say "No, I can't do that, I have to go work out" in order to make time for yourself. Or sometimes you have to say to yourself, "get off the couch and go workout even though you're tired after work. you'll thank yourself later and feel much better". It's the truth. Give yourself some tough love. I have done that to myself plenty of times. I've needed a swift kick in the pants at times when I just want to be lazy and sit around. My clothes thank me for it later on. Then I like looking in the mirror more.

So anyway, that's what I'm doing this Saturday morning unless something crazy changes and I'm not allowed to do it. In that case, I'll just sit at home and pout. ha! just kidding. Maybe I will just have to have my own ZUMBA party at my house!! harrrumph! I hope nothing changes. I need to do this for myself.

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