Friday, August 27, 2010

The worst part is...

The waiting. It feels like I've been waiting all summer long for any kind of notification, whether it be for a new (nonexistent) teaching job, or now I'm waiting for the stupid BSD to process me for subbing. All I can say is my patience is wearing thin. I want to know when I'm gonna have a sub job. I want to know if I've even got a chance at this recruitment specialist job. I want to know when all this damn waiting is going to come to an end. Kyle told me last night, as I was beginning to get upset about all this stuff, that a coworker of his and his wife struggled for 2.5 years while she was waiting for work. It put a strain on their relationship. We're trying to not let this job stuff interfere with us on a personal, relationship level. It's hard though because everybody that's outside of the situation "knows" exactly what I should do. So, they list things off to me about things I should do to make myself even more marketable. Screw marketable. Have you seen this economy? Nobody's looking for marketable. They're looking for how little they can pay someone. The even more frustrating thing is I've tried applying for the classified jobs (ELL aides, Title I tutors, etc because I'm not above applying for those positions if it means I might get my foot in the door) and they all have turned me down in the past because they just look at me like, "why are you applying for this?" and they knew that I'd eventually find something that my degree matches. They knew that I would leave eventually as soon as that opportunity came along. So, their answer is: don't hire her. Ugh. Guess I better make a call to the BSD office and tell them to get their butts in gear and get me processed because I've got to make my part of the living somehow and if that means I have to prostitute myself out (as a teacher for low, daily pay), then that's what I have to like that? That's my pet name for subbing: cheap teacher prostitution. HAHA!! Anyway, I'll write more later if I hear anything.

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