Thursday, August 5, 2010

One more option

Keep your fingers/toes crossed because yesterday I applied for another ELL position (that gives mea total of about 3 extra options for possible employment). I hope I get a call pretty soon now that principals should be getting back into their buildings either tomorrow or Monday. :) I'm staying positive.

We got back home tonight from our wonderful trip to the Oregon coast. It was beautiful and the temperature was every Southerner's dream in the deep summer time. A high of about 65 tops and evening temps in the 50s and constant cool breezes (the only downside possibly is the fact that it does mist quite a bit and is cloudy more often than not but I don't really care--it's better than the harshness of the desert sun and the dampness of the heavy humidity in the south, but most days we were there, it gave us ample opportunities to be outside and not die). Absolutely wonderful. I've already picked out my beach house. I've told Kyle that if he doesn't buy it for me, I'm divorcing him. Just kidding. ;) It was a beautiful house, though.

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