Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Overwhelmed and Underpaid

Subbing has been slow lately but I guess that's actually a blessing in disguise when it comes to getting some schoolwork done for my classes. I just wish that the subbing wasn't so slow so that when I needed to work, I didn't have to worry about whether there was going to be a job available or not. Last Fall, anytime I looked on the Subfinder websites, there'd always be at least one or more jobs available but now since both districts have OVER 1,000 subs, the jobs are few and far between! I have so much reading to do for these classes, it's great that I don't have a fulltime job or else I'd feel so much worse! I've been having to read anything from children's picture books, to young adult chapter books, to contemporary journal articles, to articles from the 18th-early 20th century (lemme tell ya, those about bore me to tears)! When I feel rushed about reading, I start to read either really slow or I'm just reading words and my comprehension is so low that it's almost as if I didn't even read the assignment. Luckily, the Wednesday night class talks about the articles during class so that if by chance (and that's a big chance) I didn't read the article, then they'll discuss it and I'll get the main idea. The articles he assigned this time were about 50 pages each!!! Ick!! I haven't read them yet and class is tonight. I guess I'll read about half of each and get the main ideas out of them before tonight. Maybe. I almost felt like going on a reading strike but decided for the better.... :) Anyway, if you notice that I don't update as much, it's because all I'm doing is reading and nothing else. I hate not updating because I hate for ya'll to keep looking at this site at the same entry for weeks but I'll try my best.. :) The weekend classes will be done in a month so I'll have more time after that.

We so want to go traveling again to some place new but as ya'll know, it takes a little extra money to do that. Otherwise, I'd love to post more pictures here of new and exciting things. Maybe during Spring break we'll have some time to go somewhere new. Who knows?

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