Monday, February 16, 2009

Heaven on the form of a pancake

I fixed breakfast this morning and decided to make pancakes. Well, we usually put fruit in them but this morning we didn't have any small berries, just whole strawberries and I figured those would make the pancake so it wouldn't cook as easily all the way through. As I was thinking about what to put in the pancakes, I suddenly thought of what I had in my baking stash in the pantry. I had some Reese's peanut butter chips and I had just a few of them left. So, I poured them into the batter. Oh My GOOOOOODNESSSS!!! The BEST tasting things I've EVER eaten!! Now, don't worry...I only ate 1 that had the chips in it. I had already made 2 plain ones before I thought to put those in the batter. So, I ate the 2 plain ones too. It couldn't have been that unhealthy, right? was so worth it. :) On Valentine's Day (night) we went out to Macaroni Grill for dinner. I ate my salad and drank my "leaning bellini" (which by the end of the night, I felt like I was leaning) and then my food came out. I had ordered a 4-cheese ravioli. I took one bite of it and decided that it wasn't good...WAY too rich for me. I ate a few more bites because I felt like I should eat a little more but it didn't go down very easily. Just goes to show that we don't do rich foods like that at all and my body/mouth/stomach was resisting it...even though it was technically my "free" day. I took the rest home as leftovers and am letting Kyle eat them instead.

*I'm procrastinating on my class reading assignments by dusting surfaces in the house. You know I must be desperate to not read anymore if I'm DUSTING.*

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