Thursday, February 19, 2009

Headache central

I'm suffering from a headache right now after taking a nice, long nap. I think I might be coming down with something like a head cold. I think those are going around right now and I've been in a few schools lately. I need to fight it early so that it's not fullblown.

This week I did something I've never really done before. I made a huge salad at the start of the week (romaine lettuce, kidney beans, garbanzo beans, cherry tomatoes and carrots) and put it in the fridge and everyday for lunch, I just served up a nice-sized bowl of it and put just about a tablespoon or so of dressing on it and ate it...nothing else for lunch unless it was an orange. I haven't been getting enough fresh veggies lately and decided that would make me feel healthier than I have been in the past week or so. Last week's weigh-in was not good at all. The previous week, I had done excellent and lost 3.6 and then this past weekend, I gained all but 0.4lbs back of those that I lost. Why is my weight so volatile????? I've already asked this in a previous post but it just boggles my mind! One minute, I'm feeling the most slender I've been in....well, ever and then the next moment, I'm standing on the scale seeing that my weight has just skyrocketed. I'm lifetime now so that means that I don't have to weigh-in everytime I come in...we only are required to weigh-in once a month, but I like to weigh-in like regular because I'm still trying to lose a few more (10-15) pounds and plus, it keeps me honest so that I keep working at it and don't just let it all go the week before my required weigh-in. It's not going so easily, though. So, in addition to this jumbo salad bowl in my fridge (which I just finished today and had the throw the rest away because it was getting frozen leaves of lettuce in it--ew) I've been chuggin' the water too. Why do I have to have cravings? Why can't I be one who doesn't have a food problem at all? Kyle's been eating junk at work and does he gain weight? Noooooo....but I do recognize that just because he's skinny, doesn't mean he's healthy. I'm probably healthier than him in that respect. He tells me he's buying hamburgers OUT OF THE VENDING MACHINE!!! EEWWW!!! Not only is that probably not the best thing to eat because of a bajillion calories and fat, but come on, a hamburger out of a vending machine?????? Gross! I've been telling him he needs to not do that because I'm starting to get worried about the frequency at which he does it. Geez.

So, tonight I'm gonna do the 2 gym class thingy that I try to do every once in awhile and see if that doesn't make me feel better. We'll see. :)

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