Friday, March 11, 2011

Only I know the truth.

Went to weigh in today at WW and was deeply disappointed. I am determined now that those scales are definitely rigged!! I've been working my butt off lately with working the test and also practicing Zumba and doing auditions and holding class. I've been eating like a bird lately (not very full meals) and my scale at home has weighed me the lightest I've been since last summer. My clothes have been fitting me really well to the point of some jeans fitting looser. My scale told me that I have dropped at least 3 pounds since last month when I weighed in at WW. Yet, I go into WW this morning and it says that I've gained 0.2lbs!!! What the flapjack??? That doesn't make sense to me AT ALL. It almost made me feel as if I never wanted to step foot in there ever again. I can see why people lose interest in that program simply because of the weighing in aspect!! I love the new plan though with the free fresh fruit and veggies (0 point values)...BUT THE SCALE HAS GOT TO GO! I was almost tempted when I got to the doctor's office to have them weigh me there so I could prove that the scale was off. Kinda crazy when you're tempted to have the doctor weigh you, huh?? HA! Anyway, I'm not going back to WW until next month when I absolutely have to do my monthly weigh in.

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