Thursday, March 19, 2009

What a week!

I've had one heck of a week in my new job! I'm so so so exhausted. I was in an absolute ROTTEN mood yesterday because of 5th period because they're a bunch of little poopheads. They talk constantly and if I start talking (which used to mean, "shut up, teacher's talking"), they seem to want to talk louder or just not even listen. They took their first test with me this week (not first ever but it was the first one with me) and lemme just say that that class period did horrendously. I really have a lot to write about so sit back and relax as you read...

At the beginning of the week, I had said that we were going to take the test this week, preferrably on Tuesday and they all complained and said we should take it on Wednesday because it's a longer class period that day and it would give them more time. Well, of course some people said that they wanted to still take it on Tuesday because they probably wouldn't study at all anyway. So then when I finally confirmed Wednesday, they said no...they wanted Tuesday after all because the whole class said they wouldn't study so I made it final...Test on Tuesday, no ifs, ands or buts. Tuesday rolled around and I started to pass out the test. You won't believe what some of the kids said..."I thought we were gonna take it on Wednesday?" "I was lead to believe we'd take it on Wednesday!" "I didn't study!" UUUUGGGGGHHHH!!!! I wanted to slap them silly. After the test, I passed out the new unit story and began to explain vocabulary and such. Were they even paying any attention to me? NOPE.

This is gonna be a loooooooooooooong two months. I already don't like this class. This class and my ELL class are probably going to be the toughest to get control of. Although, I will say that the ELL kids are, for the most part, respectful to me...I think for now. :/

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