Sunday, February 7, 2010


I'm absolutely freaking out right now! Don't ask my why I'm taking time to post an entry when I should be working on stuff right now. I guess that's just my procrastination method--have a lot to do, so I run away and do other things such as post blogs, facebook or sleep. I have lesson plans to do before tomorrow, which should be as bad as I'm making them out to be since we don't have school on Friday AND tomorrow is a shortened schedule due to an assembly but still. They're impending. Also, I have to do a lot of work on my master's final paper. I am not thrilled to be reading through my paper over and over again to make corrections/additions or deletions. Do you know how boring it is to do that? I already wrote it once and now I have to improve it by adding and subtracting stuff. Ew. Anyway, I'll be glad when it's all over and I present it. Although, the presentation's going to be quite a doozy too. I'll probably sick to my stomach nervous that day. In fact, the presentation is on March 16th, 3-6pm. I'm going to have to leave my 5th period a little early so that I can get to BSU a little before 3pm. Luckily, I have an adult aide in there that I think will be able to handle the kids for the last few minutes of class. :) *sigh* Guess I better get back to work and get these lesson plans out of the way.

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