Sunday, October 25, 2009

The letter is sealed

I just finished a letter to Chris. It goes in the mail tomorrow. :)

I can't wait til Thanksgiving! We're going to fry a turkey. I know, I know. Not healthy at all but hey, it's the holidays and I'll be sure NOT to weigh in that weekend. ;) I probably won't do that bad though. I'll peel off the skin, how 'bout that?

Four day week this week with the kids. Friday is teacher workday. YAY! I definitely need some organizational time.

I had a really long week this week. 2 observations in one week wears a girl out. Thursday was bad because I had a falling out with my kids in 3rd period. I'm going to have to mend some relationships I guess but at the same time, the kids aren't exactly innocent either even though they'd have you believe otherwise. They apparently went to the counselor and talked about me and said that they felt I was singling them out. Well, if they're going to sit together, and talk loudly and not do any work like I asked repeatedly, OF COURSE they're going to be "singled out". Anyway, gonna see if I can divide and conquer by moving a couple of kids from 3rd period to my 5th period to kind of separate the strong personalities. Hopefully that helps. Fingers crossed.

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