Sunday, April 4, 2010

We tried it again

Happy Easter!! We went to the church down the road from us (Ten Mile Christian Church). It was a good service and very low key. No fanatic stuff that freaks us out. We actually kinda liked the service and there seemed to be a well-rounded population there, in regards to age and whatnot. We just might have to try it again on a non-holiday Sunday to see the true behavior. ;) hehehe..

After church, we cooked out for our lunch. We made ranch-flavored burgers (just meat and a ranch dressing packet mixed together--quite tasty), grilled asparagus with sprinkled minced garlic on top, and potato wedges brushed with olive oil, sprinkled with seasoned salt, paprika, and garlic salt---YUMMY!! By far, it was the best lunch ever. And it tasted so fresh! Couldn't get that fresh taste at a hamburger joint. For my hamburger bun, I used one of those sandwich slims (100 cal, 1 g fat, 5 g fiber) and toasted it for extra crunch--it makes for an excellent hamburger bun substitution without feeling gypped. In fact, so many times, the bun has so much bread that you can't even enjoy the flavor of the meat so these slims are just perfect for me! We each drank one beer to top it all off. It seemed appropriate enough anyway--burgers and beer. :)

School starts again tomorrow for me and it's back to the grind. I believe I have about 39 more days of school til summer vacation! Yay!! It'll go really fast. I hope that within these next 39 days, I'll find out if I truly have a job for next year. They better tell me soon. I'm anxious.

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