Thursday, January 31, 2008

Funny story

I had just finished reading with this little 1st grader and he had his library books with him and as he was going back to his classroom, he said, "Look! I'm gonna hit my kidney!" I said, "WHAT?? Alright, let me see...(not knowing exactly what he meant)" And so he takes his stack of library books and whacks his KNEE with the stack. I said, "Oh! You mean your knee!" HAHAHAHAHA.... I told him, "your kidneys are located in your lower back!" He said, "oh." and he went back into his classroom.

Oh and this morning was "explosive", to say the least. Maren and I had a group of kindergarteners and they were all working on their K posters (that's the letter of the week). All of the sudden, one of the kids exploded with a sneeze and it was like Chris used to do when he sneezed, except much MESSIER! It seriously looked like the kid had just reached into a bucket of yellow slime! Like that gak stuff that we kids used to play with. EW! Maren about had a gag reflex as we both threw kleenex at him and said, "Here, Clarence! Clean yourself up, please!" It just didn't even look real! Okay, enough description. Kids are gross! ;)

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